Hi again all...some replies here to things you've brought up...
Hello Mary, it's nice to meet you...you said:
I'm not 100% familiar with your situation, but from what I read here, your ex-husband (no doubt a real good Dub) used to abuse you so you left him and married a (gasp!) worldly man. And THIS is what all the family is so upset about?!! What century are they living in?! I guess they thought you should have just stayed in an abusive relationship and be miserable the rest of your life for appearances sake? That's pathetic and disgusting.
You are 110% dead on with your assessment of the situation. He was horribly controlling and emotionally abusive, and though he never hit me or punched me, he used physical intimidation (throwing things, restraining me by my arms, etc) to get his way constantly, including in the bedroom. He demeaned me, controlled me, and eroded my self esteem until I was suicidal. But I maintain that to this day, there are members of my family who would have rather I left the marriage in a body bag (via suicide, which I came very close to doing) instead of getting a divorce and a new, and better life.
I did the 'right' thing and asked the elders for help, they compared me to Job's wife and said I needed to be a 'better, more supportive wife'. That was a lot of help...not. So yeah, my family must be living in another century or something; they think I'm an adultress even though I was legally divorced before I ever got anywhere physically near the man I'm married to now.
Thank you for the welcome, Sentinal, I'm what you would call an 'old newbie' in that I'm no stranger to this forum. Looks like you came on awhile after I left, but I was a very active poster here for more than a year. Guess I wasn't ready to entirely 'graduate' from the forums yet...back for 'postgraduate' work LOL. Thank you for your support and encouragement, they are very much needed, and appreciated. I will reflect on your remarks.
Ravyn, believe me I've been tempted to write to her, but I'm sure she'd never read it...it'd just go into the garbage pail so I may as well save the postage...
SS, I don't feel particularly strong these days, but I guess the fact I haven't caved to the emotional black mail and gone back says something, doesn't it? I suppose I should remind myself of that more often...
((((((((((Mulan))))))))) Hey there lady, you know I love you :) Thanks for not forgetting about me when I was away from here. The whole reason they decided not to have my daughter in the wedding was that they didn't want me to have an excuse to show up at the event...like I've ever gone anywhere in my life where I wasn't invited, they really, truly don't know me at all if they think I'd do that. I don't need that kind of abuse, you know? You're right though about it being a public place, I think they forget that...
James: I checked out that website you recommended and I will get the book. Printed out some worksheets to do in the meantime. The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz has helped me a lot, time to re-read it I think, as well as Dr. Phil's books. That man is my hero...thanks again for the heads up about Byron Katie.
hugs to all, and thanks again. I appreciate your input.
~ghost of essie